Data types

There are 5 basic data types in Python.


"Hello world"

Strings are basically characters surrounded by quotes. It can be single quotes like 'this' or it could be double quotes, like "this"

\ : is a special character in Python's String
\n : creates a new line

print("This is line 1 \nThis is line 2")


This is line 1 This is line 2

Getting the length of a string

len() is short for 'length', it returns the length of a string, list or tuple.
>>> len("Spiderman: No Way Home")
                    >>> #each space is included as a character


Concatenate: to combine 2 or more strings into 1 string.
>>> "Hello" + " " + "World"
                        'Hello World'
name = "Ryan"
                        name = name + " is smart"
                        print(name) # 'Ryan is smart'
A more concise way of doing it (optional)
                        instead of 
                        name = name + ...
                        you can do
                        name += ...
                        name = "Ryan"
                        name += " is smart"
                        print(name) #'Ryan is smart'

String formatting

Let's say we want to create a string like so

His name is Ryan. Ryan likes to code. Ryan is 18 years old.

manually changing the name from Ryan to Hanate Wakuso Shiseo Tadashite Teriyaki Suzuki Honda Civic can be a little annoying, so we use string formatting to change the string faster.

Level 1: using '+'

name = "Ryan"
                        hobby = "code"
                        age = 18
                        res = "His name is " + name + ". " + name + "likes to code."
                        print(res) #'His name is Ryan.  Ryan likes to code.'
                        res += " " + name + "is " + str(age) + " years old."
                        #str(age) is necessary because int + str will result in an error
                        print(res) #His name is Ryan.  Ryan likes to code.  Ryan is 18 years old.

Level 2: old school %s %i

name = "Ryan"
                        hobby = "code"
                        age = 18
                        res = "His name is %s." % name
                        print(res) #'His name is Ryan'
                        res = "His name is %(name)s.  %(name)s likes to %(hobby)s.  %(name)s is %(age)i years old." % {'name': 'ryan', 'hobby':'code', 'age': 18}
                        print(res) #His name is Ryan.  Ryan likes to code.  Ryan is 18 years old.

Level 3: .format()

name = "Ryan"
                        hobby = "code"
                        age = 18
                        res = "His name is {}".format(name)
                        print(res) #His name is Ryan
                        res = "His name is {name}. {name} likes to {hobby}. {name} is {age} years old.".format(name=name, hobby=hobby, age=age)
                        print(res) #His name is Ryan.  Ryan likes to code.  Ryan is 18 years old.

Level 4: f-strings

name = "Ryan"
                        hobby = "code"
                        age = 18
                        res = f"His name is {name}"
                        print(res) #His name is Ryan
                        res = f"His name is {name}. {name} likes to {hobby}. {name} is {age} years old."
                        print(res) #His name is Ryan.  Ryan likes to code.  Ryan is 18 years old.
change the line from name = "Ryan" to name = "Hanate Wakuso Shiseo Tadashite Teriyaki Suzuki Honda Civic"

String slicing

>>> word = 'password'
                        >>>  word[1:4]
string[index 1:index 2]

index 1: index 2:

Integer and Floats

>>> 1.0 + 2
                    >>> 6 * 0.5
                    >>> 6 / 2
                    >>> 7 % 2 #remainder
                    >>> 9 % 5
                    >>> 7 // 2 #round down to nearest whole number
                    >>> 9 // 2.0


>>> 5**2 #5^2 or 5*5
                        >>> 5**3 #5^3 or 5*5*5

Pro tip

#instead of
                        a = a + 1
                        #we can do
                        a += 1
                        #or even
                        a += 1.5
                        a += 5

Lists & tuples

ARRAYS ALWAYS START FROM 0 (common rule in popular programming languages)

Arrays from other programming languages are equivalent to Python's list.

A list can store multiple values such as strings, int, float, boolean and even other lists.
list1 = ['hello world', True, 9, ['another list lol', 'lmao']]

A tuple (pronounced tyu-pel) is like a list, but the contents of it cannot be changed.
>>> diamond_tools = ('sword', 'pickaxe', 'shovel', 'axe')
                        >>> diamond_tools.append('hoe')
                        Traceback (most recent call last):
                          File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
                        AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'append'
As previously mentioned, lists/arrays start with 0, that means the first element's index is 0, second element's index is 1... 10th element's index is 9 etc.
>>> list1 = ['zero', 'one', 'three']
                        >>> list1[0]
                        >>> list1[1]
                        >>> list1[2]
.append() adds another item into the list.
fruits = ['watermelon', 'banana', 'apple']

                        print(fruits) #['watermelon', 'banana', 'apple']
                        print(fruits) #['watermelon', 'banana', 'apple', 'pineapple']
to delete items from a list
>>> list1 = ['one', 'two', 'three']
Option 1: del
>>> del list1[0]
                        >>> list1
                        ['two', 'three']
Option 2: pop()
>>> list1.pop(0)
                        >>> list1
                        ['two', 'three']
Option 3: remove()
>>> list1.remove('one')
                        >>> list1
                        ['two', 'three']
Option 1 and option 2 are used when you have the index of the element
Option 3 is used when you have the element data

Check if item is in list

>>> 5 in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
                        >>> 6 in [4, 3, 2, 1]
                        >>> BTS = ["Suga", "Jungkook", "RM", "Jin", "Jimin", "J-Hope", "V"]
                        >>> "Ryan" in BTS


In Python, strings can sometimes be treated like a list
>>> "1" in "1234567890"
                        >>> name = "Ryan"
                        >>> name[0]
                        >>> name[2]



== is to verify that A is equal to B
!= is to verify that A is NOT equal to B
"hello" == "hello" returns True
1 == 5 returns False

Logical operators

>>> True and True
                        >>> True and False
                        >>> True or False
                        >>> False or False
                        >>> not False
                        >>> not True
                        >>> 'one' not in ['two', 'three', 'four']

Conversion between data types

I want '5' to be an integer so I can add 415 to it.
if I do this, I get an error
>>> '5' + 415
                    Traceback (most recent call last):
                      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
                    TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
because an integer and string cannot '+'

so I convert '5' using int() by doing
>>> int('5')
                    >>> num = '5'
                    >>> num2 = int(num)
                    >>> num2 + 415